Oct 11, 2018
“You still have to have your feelings hurt with your writing because always people don’t necessarily receive it as you intend it.” - Maurice W. Dorsey
Today's featured award-winning author is a retiree from the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Maurice W. Dorsey Ph.D. Maurice & I talk about how he wrote the tribute book about Henry G. Parks of Parks Sausages, how Maurice decided to write a fiction book and tons more.
The opening track is titled, Enlightened Thought by Asis Galvin. Support his craft and listen to the full track by clicking the following link, https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/enlightened-thought
Maurice's Website: http://www.mauricewdorsey.com/
Maurice's Books: https://www.amazon.com/Maurice-W.-Dorsey/e/B00MMOCQKE