Apr 20, 2023
“Only when you put yourself first can you be a blessing to someone else in a healthy way.” - La-June Persephony
Today’s featured bonus author is a mom, world traveler, and a technical writer in the IT industry, La-June Persephony. La-June and I talk about her story from the book, “The Four-Fold Formula For All Things Wellness: True Stories of the Heart, Spirit, Mind and Body”, navigating divorce, and more!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What going through a divorce taught her about living.
3 major lessons she learned from traveling the world
How faith plays a major role in her life
How La-June chose what story to write for the book
La-June’s FB: www.facebook.com/lajune.persephony
The Book: https://www.amazon.com/Four-Fold-Formula-All-Things-Wellness/dp/1955668299
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