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Jun 27, 2019

Interrupted focus leads to a lower quality of work.


Today's featured bestselling author is Hall of Fame speaker, one of the top 3 communicators in the world and professional development legend, Dianna Booher. Dianna and I talk about her newest book "Faster, fewer, Better Emails", advice she would give to her younger...

Jun 24, 2019

“Do you want to control your life or do you want your fears to control your life?” – Allan Misch


Today's featured authors are communication experts and seminar leaders, Allan Kaufman, DTM & Allan Misch, DTM. Allan & Allan dive into ways to develop yourself into a better public speaker, what happens to those who...

Jun 20, 2019

“What might look bad today is going to be a gift tomorrow.” - Phyllis Ginsberg, M.A., MFT


Today's featured author is therapist and Survival to Thrival Expert, Phyllis Ginsberg, M.A., MFT. Phyllis and I talk about the benefits of positive psychology, how to get a good night's rest and tons more!!!



Jun 17, 2019

Don’t worry about what other people think when you are trying to achieve something. They might not even be thinking about you anyway.


Today's featured author is former schoolteacher, freelance writing magician, and 3X TEDx speaker, Laura Pennington-Briggs. Laura "Fierce" and I talk about getting started as a...

Jun 13, 2019

"We are the hardest people on ourselves." - Marla Goldberg


Today's featured bestselling author is energy healer and entrepreneur, Marla Goldberg. Marla and I talk about her newest book, some of the lessons learned with her past businesses and tons more!


Key Takeaways:

Boundaries are not a negative thing. They can be...