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Jun 28, 2021

“Don’t Lip Sync through life.” – Jim Knight

Today’s featured bestselling author is award-winning training and development veteran, culture catalyst, and podcaster, Jim Knight. Jim and I have a fun chat about his newest book, his background with Hard Rock International, and more rock star leadership...

Jun 26, 2021

“We just can’t stay stuck, we have to ask ourselves, what else can I do and how else can I move forward in life?” – Kelly Falardeau


Today’s bonus featured 7X bestselling author is mom, TEDx speaker, coach, and recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Kelly Falardeau. Kelly and I had a great...

Jun 26, 2021

“It’s really hard to do it all yourself.” – W.L. Hawkin


Today’s featured author is a mom, seeker, former HS English teacher, and a mystic at heart, W.L. Hawkin. W.L. and I had a fun conversation about being an indie author, how Wendy was a high school dropout that eventually taught high school English...

Jun 24, 2021

“If you are looking at claiming the name Christian but never accepting the trials and tribulations, you’ve gotta give the name Christian back.” – Julie Carrick

Today’s featured author is a mom, wife, Catholic recording artist, and inspirational speaker, Julie Carrick. Julie and I talk about Survivor’s guilt,...

Jun 21, 2021

“Practice fluidity as opposed to rigidity.” – Jordan Gross

Today’s featured bestselling author is 2X TEDx speaker, executive coach, and startup founder turned soon-to-be therapist, Jordan Gross. Jordan and I talk about his newest book, the power of storytelling, and more!!!


Key thing’s You’ll Learn:
